307 Lower Main Road

Observatory, Cape Town

021 447 3142

Give Us A Call

Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays

307 RDO 100; 5L


Performance Features:

  • Special EP and high film strength additive which withstand shock loads under boundary lubrication conditions.
  • Provide high level of corrosion protection even under the severe water wash conditions found in rockdrill applications.
  • Low pour point ensures that all tools remain free from oil deposits in areas cooled by rapid expansion of air.

Performance Specifications:

Piston Power RDO oils meet the following specifications:

  • Din 51517 Part 3 type CLP oils
  • Ingersoll Rand Specification 5M5

Out of stock


Piston Power RDO oils are quality rockdrill and pneumatic tool lubricants which is formulated from highly refined mineral oils, EP with corrosion inhibitors, anti-oxidants and other additives.


Piston Power RDO oils meet the lubrication requirements of:

  • All percussion type pneumatic tools operating under wet and dry conditions.
  • Rockdrills operating under harsh conditions.
  • Concrete and pavement breakers (jackhammers).
  • Tampers, Rammers, chipping and riveting hammers.
  • Centralised lubricators of large crawler mounted drill rigs.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 22 × 12 × 32 cm